Tech.Rocks Summit 2024


Bruno Patino




Bruno Patino is Chairman of Arte, an associate professor at Sciences Po and an essayist. Previously, he was editorial director of Arte France, after holding a number of key positions in the media and digital sectors, including foreign correspondent for Le Monde in Chile, chairman of Le Monde interactif from 2000 to 2008 (, chairman of Télérama and vice-chairman of the Le Monde group, director of France Culture, and director-general in charge of channel programming, strategy and digital at France Télévisions. He is the author of several books on the media and digital technology, including: Une presse sans Gutenberg 2005; La Condition Numérique 2012; Télévisions, 2016; La civilisation du poisson rouge, 2019; Tempête dans le bocal, 2022; S'informer à quoi bon? 2023; Submersion 2023.